Decorated Dummy Wedding Cakes. The secret compartment is also great for the cutting of the wedding cake photos. Have cake all year round with one of our display cakes.

A 16 dummy is 550 the ingrediants for actual cake would be over 20. And cakes dozens of cakes all constructed with Styrofoam and decorated by hand. My cake recipe costs around 5 for a 8 cake and the dummy is 190.
Dont Use dummy tiers if you want to save money by having a fully decorated dummy cake and using serving or kitchen cakes.
Jan 18 2021 - Gorgeous cakes and treats for your bridal shower wedding and anniversary parties. Next print out our template of abstract roses place parchment paper over it and trace with a piping bag of royal icing. Dummies also save quite a bit of time. Perfect for any cake display we have whole cakes slices cupcakes cheesecakes and more.