Sally Key Lime Pie. One Key lime pie origin story is credited to Key Wests as-of-yet-identified Aunt Sally. Theres an old story floating around Key West that Key lime pie was invented back in the 1890sway before the Borden companys recipeby a woman known only as Aunt Sally.
She allegedly concocted the pie in the kitchens of Key Wests Curry Mansion where she had access to sweetened condensed milk. Curry began importing cans of sweetened condensed milk to Key West where its resistance to spoilage. Most sources credit an anonymous Aunt Sally with inventing Key lime pie.
Most sources credit an anonymous Aunt Sally with inventing Key lime pie.
Key lime pie traces its roots back to Key West Florida. Theres an old story floating around Key West that Key lime pie was invented back in the 1890sway before the Borden companys recipeby a woman known only as Aunt Sally. Sloans early pie education came flooding back. Most sources credit an anonymous Aunt Sally with inventing Key lime pie.